Grid Tie Residential and Commercial

Utility-connected systems require only solar modules, a DC-to-AC inverter, and a “net meter” electric meter, which calculates the solar production minus the consumption of property for a net total. No batteries required (although available as backup power options). Some of our customers even receive an annual check from our utility for their excess power, which is calculated on an annual basis. The tax credits are running out and the timing is great for a solar-electric system for your home or business.
Off-Grid Systems

For properties not connected to an electric utility, we handle complete standalone power system design, construction, and service. From existing system maintenance and upgrades, to designing complete, durable micro-grids for ranches, hunting cabins, and remote power systems. We specialize in solar as well as small-wind and micro-hydro fed energy systems. Equipment we specify is state-of-the-art and low-maintenance. Official dealers of Kohler Power generator equipment for always-on backup and dedicated service. Online power system management and monitoring options also available for 24/7 peace of mind. With safe, reliable, and renewable power, you can rest assured your lights and essentials will always be on, no matter where you are located.